Image Credits
Collection Images
- Bely, Andrei. Linija žizni. 1927. Archive of the Museum Apartment of Andrei Bely (Moscow, Russia). Source: "Dynamographie." Usage: "Topologien der Erfahrung."
- Boullée, Etienne-Louis. Vue intérieure de la nouvelle salle projetée pour l'agrandissement de la bibliothèque du Roi. 1785–1788. Bibliothèque nationale de France (Paris, France). Source: Gallica. Usage: "Critical Genalogies."
- Fischer, Frank et al. Drama Networks Superposter. June 24, 2015. Source: figshare. Usage: "Distant Reading and Discourse Analysis."
- Holbein, Hans. Die Gesandten. 1533. National Gallery (London, England). Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Foucault meets Latour."
- Lorenzetti, Ambrogio. Effetti del buon governo in città. 1338–1339. Fondazione Musei Senesi (Siena, Italy). Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Places and Spaces of Knowledge."
- Michael, Adrian. Truth. July 23, 2018. Source: flickr. Usage: "Politics of Truth."
- Mohr, Jakob. Beweise. 1910. Sammlung Prinzhorn (Heidelberg, Germany). Source: HART. Usage: "Algorithmic Governmentality."
- Whirlwind Computer. 1950. The MITRE Corporation (Bedford, MA). Source: MITRE. Usage: "Was heißt: Foucault historisieren?."
Article Images
- Alobos life. Black box, Airbus A340. April 5, 2008. Source: flickr. Usage: "Recommender Systems."
- Ars Electronica. Garden Berlin: Artificial Reality. September 8, 2021. Source: flickr. Usage: "Vom Wahr- und Wahnsprechen des technologisch Unbewussten."
- Barloccini, B. Secessio plebis. 1849. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Zur Instabilität des Politischen."
- Barros a Estrada-Pontevedra, Ies Manuel García. [Représentation d''Oedipe Roi' de Sophocle au 'Festival de teatro grecolatino de Lugo' (Galice - Espagne).] 2011. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Vom 'Wissen' zur 'Wahrheit'."
- Belyj, Andrej. Glossolalie: Poem über den Laut, A Poem about Sound. Dornach: Pforte 2003, 260. Source & usage: "Dynamographie."
- Benois, Alexander. Illustration on "Eherner Reiter." 1916. Source & usage: "Der eherne Reiter."
- [Blind Men and Elephant.] Advertisement in Moving Picture World. September 1916. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "'Nietzsche', 'Perspektivismus', 'Postfaktizität'."
- Bosse, Abraham. Frontispiece of Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan. 1651. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Subjects of History."
- Brecht Bug [pseud.]. 2014 Scarlett Johansson as Lucy - Taxi AD 2440. 2014. Source: flickr. Usage: "Eine andere Ordnung der Dinge."
- Brigenti, John. Washington Monument and Reflecting Pool. November 23, 2021. Source: flickr. Usage: "Latour, Foucault, and Post-Truth."
- Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi. Incredulità di San Tommaso. 1603. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "What is a 'Regime of Truth'?."
- Cattermole, George. The Scribe. Source: Art UK. Usage: "Writing as a Religious lieu de savoir."
- Cézanne, Paul. Fragments de statues. [1866-1873.] Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Foucault, Winckelmann..."
- [Constantine's Dream.] Detail from a Greek manuscript dated 879-883 AD and containing the homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus, now in the National Library of France. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Räume der Existenz."
- Cunningham, William. View of Norwich. The Cosmological Glasse. 1559. Source: British Library. Usage: "Mapping Sites."
- Daren [pseud.]. A toolbox. August 27, 2006. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Aristokraten, Werkzeugkisten."
- Darwin, Charles. I think. 1837. Source: ResearchGate. Usage: "Of Trees and Genealogies."
- da Vinci, Leonardo. Uomo Vitruviano. 1490. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "The Nature of Our Becoming."
- De Boeck, Felix. Portrait of the Writer Jean Améry. 1951. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Festhalten am Menschen."
- Deckert, Roman. [Personal files from the Second World War in the non-public archives of the International Committee of the Red Cross near its Geneva headquarters at Satigny, Switzerland.] Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "The Will to Enclose."
- Deleuze, Gilles. Foucaults Diagramm. Source: Deleuze, Gilles. Foucault. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp, 1987 [French 1986], 169. Usage: "Der monströse Fouleuze."
- Dombrowski, Quinn. [Milton Friedman Mural.] 2018. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Le sujet du (néo)libéralisme."
- Dooley, Kevin. Puzzle. June 29, 2014. Source: flickr. Usage: "Ways of Doing Genealogy."
- Escher, Maurits Cornelis. Drawing Hands. (Detail.) 1948. Source: Epsilon Theory. Usage: "Husserl versus Foucault."
- Fegerl, Judith. Untitled (Connect). 2011. Source: Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna. Usage: "Poetiken der Infrastruktur."
- Fischer, Frank et al. Drama Networks Superposter. June 24, 2015. Source: figshare. Usage: "Fernlesen mit Foucault?."
- [Foucault in a discussion at the offices of the French newspaper Libération.] 1973. Source: Monoskop. Usage: "Going with Foucault beyond Foucault."
- Foto Karanen. Strömberg 1000 computer. 1970. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Distant Reading, Computational Criticism."
- Francois-Rousseaux, Amandine. Daft Punk's Show. Paris Bercy. June 14, 2007. Source: flickr. Usage: "Deleuze, a Split with Foucault."
- Ganahl, Simon. Erkki Huhtamo in his office in the Broad Art Center at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). May 27, 2016. Source & usage: "From Media Archaeology to Media Genealogy."
- Godefroid, Julien. Old Library Trinity College #1. June 27, 2013. Source: flickr. Usage: "lieux de savoir."
- Godfrey, Ryan. Panopticon. January 17, 2009. Source: flickr. Usage: "Vierzig Jahre Überwachen und Strafen."
- Griepenkerl, Christian. Prometheus and Hercules. 1878. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Au sujet de l''édition de Michel Foucault, Le courage de la vérité."
- Jacobsen, Antonio. Portrait of the full-rigged ship Canada. [1895?] Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Sur les hétérotopies de Michel Foucault."
- Kafka, Franz. [Handwritten Notes.] Source: National Library of Israel. Usage: "Does Foucault Have a Published Oeuvre?."
- kf_fotografie. Street at Night. April 2, 2015. Source: flickr. Usage: "Algorithmic Finance."
- [Libro blanco sobre las cerceles franquistas. Angel Suarez, Colectivo 36]. 1976. Source: todocoleccion. Usage: "Different Histories."
- Lapollard [pseud.]. Anatomy of a Decision Tree. January 27, 2021. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Algorithmic Decision-Making, Spectrogenic Profiling, and Hyper-Facticity."
- Lynam, Kieran. Globe. March 7, 2007. Source: flickr. Usage: "Spatial Metaphors."
- Marden, Eric. CARE. June 29, 2012. Source: flickr. Usage: "Self-Care and Truth-Telling."
- McKann, Sancho. Ant. March 16, 2010. Source: flickr. Usage: "ANT goes dispositif."
- Meeting of Adam and Eve. Mosaic in Monreale, 12th century. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Adam und Eva."
- National Istitutes of Health. Brain Scan, Metamphetamine. April 7, 2009. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Cooperation and Critique in Neuroscience."
- National Nuclear Security Administration. Nuclear Weapon Test. 1952. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Der kalte Krieg und die 'binären Termini'."
- Nouhailler, Patrick. Reims. March 31, 2017. Source: flickr. Usage: "Der Biograf des antibiografischen Feldes."
- Norton, Frank. Jewels belonging to the East India Company Displayes in London. 1877. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Culture as Imperial Synapse."
- Paul. Teeside Offshore Wind Farm. September 13, 2014. Source: flickr. Usage: "From Foucauldian Biopower to Infopower and Energopower."
- Iran. Febuary 22, 2004. Source: flickr. Usage: "Foucaults Wende."
- Rapati, Tiemen. Aleph. May 12, 2011. Source: flickr. Usage: "Foucaults Heterotopien."
- Richter, Florian. A toolbox. May 24, 2012. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Die Dramatisierung der Macht."
- Rizzi, Leonardo. Rack. August 18, 2019. Source: flickr. Usage: "(Critical) Reverse Engineering."
- Rog b. stock exchange 3. October 28, 2008. Source: flickr. Usage: "Beyond Surveillance."
- @roxythezoologist [pseud.]. Mission Accomplished. 2020. Source: Extinction Rebellion UK. Usage: "Fact-Checking and Truth-Telling."
- Sánchez, Manuel Dominguez. La muerte de Séneca. 1871. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Foucault on Correspondence as a Technique of the Self."
- Sanderson, Ian. Anthill. January 26, 2006. Source: flickr. Usage: "Ist eine nicht-anthropologische Soziologie denkbar?."
- Sanych, Kolya. Far, far away. August 6, 2019. Source: flickr. Usage: "Distant Reading and Discourse Analysis."
- Savage, McKay. Mao's red book on sale at the market. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Foucauldian Genealogy and Maoism."
- Schoeberlein, Andreina. Fetus. January 15, 2010. Source: flickr. Usage: "Historisieren und/oder überwinden."
- Sergio [pseud.]. PXL_20210918_152637664-1. September 18, 2021. [Detail photo of M.C. Escher. Metamorphosis II. 1939–1940.] Source: flickr. Usage: "Should Critique be Tamed by Realism?"
- Sat, Max. Cinéma. December 22, 2019. Source: flickr. Usage: "Michel Foucault va au cinéma."
- Seghers, Gerard (attr.). The Four Doctors of the Western Church. Saint Augustine of Hippo. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "The Christian Roots of Critique."
- Stellingwerf, Jacobus. Het voormalige Collatiehuis met de Jeruzalemkapel in Gouda. [1682–1727?] Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "In Ecclesia Nostra."
- Tintoretto. Christ washing the feet of his disciples. 1547. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Jesus le Cynique."
- Veloso, A., Meira Jr., W., and Zaki, M. J. Lazy associative classification. 2006. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Alles oder gar nichts lesen?."
- Völkel, Reinhold. Das Café Griendsteidl. 1896. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Usage: "Das relationale Apriori Wiens."
- Whirlwind Computer. 1950. The MITRE Corporation (Bedford, MA). Source: MITRE. Usage: "Was heißt: Foucault historisieren?."
- Wichary, Marcin. Vintage TV sets. January 5, 2006. Source: flickr. Usage: "Historisches oder mediales Apriori."
- [Women Smoking Publicly During the Easter Sunday Parade.] March 31, 1929. Source: Vintage News Daily. Usage: "Foucault und die Regierungskünste der Public Relations."
- x6e38 [pseud.]. 1018. April 13, 2009. Source: flickr. Usage: "Genealogy of Algorithms."