
Published: 29/03/21
Places and Spaces of Knowledge
Addressing the history of knowledge in spatial terms, this collection, edited by Sabrina Corbellini and Margriet Hoogvliet, welcomes contributions dealing with situated and material practices of production and dissemination related to knowledge in the premodern world.

Published: 01/02/19
Foucault meets Latour
Dispositifs, discourses, networks, modes of existence: this collection, edited by Simon Ganahl and Patrick Kilian, confronts the thought of Michel Foucault and Bruno Latour by focusing on their conceptual toolboxes as well as their shared interest in the question of modernity.

Published: 06/02/17
Topologien der Erfahrung
Starting from Deleuze's claim that the late Foucault was a topologist like Andrei Bely in his modernist novel Petersburg (1913/14), this collection, edited by Simon Ganahl and Elena Vogman, collects research both on Foucault's spatial approaches and on literary topographies.

Published: 28/06/16
Distant Reading and Discourse Analysis
By comparing Franco Moretti's distant reading with Foucault's archaeological approach, this collection, edited by Maurice Erb, Simon Ganahl, and Patrick Kilian, examines the question if historical discourse analyses can be carried out with the aid of computers.

Published: 14/02/16
Was heißt: Foucault historisieren?
This collection, edited by Maurice Erb, Simon Ganahl, and Cécile Stehrenberger, collects the papers and lectures delivered at the international conference "What is: Historicizing Foucault?" held at the University of Zurich from March 19 to 21, 2015.