Open Educational Resources (OER) play a key role in reducing the financial burden and increasing the accessibility of learning for students in higher education. OER can be considered an important field of research for academic librarians and supports the democratic mission of academic libraries. This study aimed to track the publication of scholarly literature about OER and higher education from 2002 to 2022 using a bibliometric research methodology. In addition, this research sought to assess the productivity of Library and Information Science (LIS) scholarship on this topic and investigate research trends, like open textbooks. Web of Science (WOS) was searched for publications and the search results were mapped to determine publication productivity, core authors, core journals, and research topics in the scholarly literature about OER and higher education. Research on OER has been steadily increasing since 2002, and this study indicates that research has increased significantly on the topic in the last six years. The data in this study support that most productivity in research on this topic is in the field of Education, but also found a presence of scholarship on the topic in the field of LIS.
Keywords: Open Educational Resources, OER, bibliometrics, higher education, academic libraries
How to Cite:
Chandler, R., (2023) “Bibliometric Study of Open Educational Resources, Open Textbooks, and Academic Librarianship”, joerhe test 2(1), 13-36. doi: https://doi.org/10.13001/joerhe.v2i1.7877
Rights: Rachel Chandler