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Diverging labour market trajectories of Australian graduates from advantaged and disadvantaged social backgrounds: A longitudinal analysis of population‐wide linked administrative data

  • Tomasz ZAJĄC (University of Queensland, Institute for Social Science Research, Australia)
  • Wojtek TOMASZEWSKI (ILR Test Journal)
  • Francisco PERALES (ILR Test Journal)
  • Ning XIANG (ILR Test Journal)


Despite mounting evidence that university participation enhances labour market prospects, there are growing concerns about its unequal returns. This study uses novel large‐scale linked administrative data covering the full population of individuals graduating from Australian universities over the 2005–11 period to examine the labour market trajectories of graduates from multiple disadvantaged social backgrounds (based on socio‐economic, migration and disability status, ethnicity and location) in comparison with their more advantaged peers, over a ten‐year observation window. The findings reveal substantial heterogeneity in the income and unemployment benefit receipt trajectories of graduates from different groups. This has important implications for labour market policies aimed at improving social equity.

Keywords: Australia, administrative data, university graduate, labour market analysis, social disadvantage, Education, inequality

How to Cite:

ZAJĄC, T., TOMASZEWSKI, W., PERALES, F. & XIANG, N., (2023) “Diverging labour market trajectories of Australian graduates from advantaged and disadvantaged social backgrounds: A longitudinal analysis of population‐wide linked administrative data”, ILR Test Journal 162(4), 561–585. doi:

Rights: © 2023 The Authors. International Labour Review published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of International Labour Organization.



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