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Prison labour, customs preference schemes and decent work: Critical analysis and outlook

  • Andrea SITZIA (Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies of the University of Padua)
  • Benoît LOPEZ (University of Versailles Saint‐Quentin‐en‐Yvelines, Université Paris‐Saclay)


In customs preference schemes, prison labour is primarily viewed as unfair competition, to be rejected out of hand. This form of employment can, however, be understood differently, notably by considering the conditions under which it may constitute decent work, and by seeing it as a tool for rehabilitation. Following an in‐depth legal analysis, in which they compare the relevant standards of the ILO to EU and WTO customs regulations in the light of the capability approach, the authors call for the development of a set of rules drawing on several branches of law relating to prison labour.

Keywords: prison labour, ILO standards, WTO, EU, tariff policy, unfair competition, vulnerable groups, capability approach, decent work, European law

How to Cite:

SITZIA, A. & LOPEZ, B., (2023) “Prison labour, customs preference schemes and decent work: Critical analysis and outlook”, ILR Test Journal 162(2), 305–326. doi:

Rights: © 2023 The Authors. International Labour Review published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of International Labour Organization.



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