Small Farmers’ Use of Social Media and Other Channels for Marketing their Agricultural Products
- Carlos Alberto Moreno-Ortiz (Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A.)
- Donna J. Peterson (Mississippi State University)
- Alba J. Collart (Mississippi State University)
- Laura Downey (Mississippi State University)
- Susan Seal (Mississippi State University)
- Roberto Gallardo (Purdue University)
We examined small farmers’ use of and preference for different channels for marketing agricultural products and explored differences by gender, age group, and education level. Farmers markets and social media were preferred channels, with participants under age 55 being more likely than those 55 and over to prefer and use social media and agree that social media would be useful for promoting products and increasing sales. While selling via social media could provide a larger market, one challenge is that the average age of Mississippi farm operators is 59. Therefore, Extension must consider multiple approaches for delivering training on marketing.
Keywords: social media use, farmers markets, marketing channels
How to Cite:
Moreno-Ortiz, C. A., Peterson, D. J., Collart, A. J., Downey, L., Seal, S. & Gallardo, R., (2021) “Small Farmers’ Use of Social Media and Other Channels for Marketing their Agricultural Products”, [TEST] Journal of Extension 59(4). doi:
Rights: In Copyright
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