Using Extension as a Vehicle to Reduce Elementary Student Food Waste
- Rebecca Koetz (Purdue University)
- Rod N. Williams (Purdue University - Main Campus)
Extension can play a key role in providing food waste education nation-wide. This study is the first to evaluate the effects of environmentally focused lesson plans on elementary student knowledge and perceptions regarding food waste. Herein we provide suggestions on concepts to teach students for the greatest impact on food waste reduction. We also provide avenues to incorporate food waste education into existing Extension programming. We hope the study can inspire and inform further food waste program development, assessment, and implementation through Extension.
Keywords: evaluation, environmental education, pre/post, reasoned action approach
How to Cite:
Koetz, R. & Williams, R. N., (2021) “Using Extension as a Vehicle to Reduce Elementary Student Food Waste”, [TEST] Journal of Extension 59(4). doi:
Rights: In Copyright
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