Engaging Corporate Partners to Build Your 4-H Program: Tips for Success
- Marissa Staffen (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
- Amanda Meek (University of Missouri Extension)
- Beth Hecht (National 4-H Council)
- Patricia Anderson (Penn State Extension)
This article discusses best practices learned from a corporate partnership between Bayer, 4-H county programs in Missouri, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania; and National 4-H Council. This corporate partnership has blossomed into a multi-level engagement that is offering unique opportunities for both Bayer and 4-H programs at the local and state level. Authors share lessons learned that can be utilized for colleagues to leverage mutually beneficial corporate partnership to expand their work in the community.
Keywords: 4-H, corporate partnership, youth-adult partnerships, Science Matters, corporate volunteers
How to Cite:
Staffen, M., Meek, A., Hecht, B. & Anderson, P., (2021) “Engaging Corporate Partners to Build Your 4-H Program: Tips for Success”, [TEST] Journal of Extension 59(4). doi: https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.59.04.07
Rights: In Copyright
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