Building Capacities to Conduct Respirator Fit Testing for Pesticide Applicators
- Michael R Wierda (Utah State University Extension, Kaysville)
- Janet R. Hygnstrom (University of Nebraska - Lincoln)
- Natalie Hoidal (University of Minnesota - Twin Cities)
- Thia Walker (Colorado State University Extension, Fort Collins)
- Jessica Wilburn (NC Agromedicine Institute)
- Robin Tutor Marcom (NC Agromedicine Institute)
- Dean Herzfeld (University of Minnesota, St Paul)
- Kay Sargent (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis)
- Kerry Richards (National Pesticide Safety Education Center)
- Rachel Maccini (University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension, Goffstown)
- Candace Bartholomew (UConn Extension)
The 2015 revision of the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) mandates requirements for medical evaluation, fit testing, and respirator training when the pesticide label requires a respirator. An ad-hoc group of Extension pesticide safety educators came together to address a lack of training and infrastructure for respirator compliance. In the ensuing years, programs of varied audiences and formats were hosted. Errors and shortcomings were realized, knowledge was gained, and lessons were learned. Those lessons are summarized here with links, resources, and suggestions for the implementation of similar efforts by Extension professionals.
Keywords: respirators, pesticide safety, fit testing, PSEP, Extension
How to Cite:
Wierda, M. R., Hygnstrom, J. R., Hoidal, N., Walker, T., Wilburn, J., Tutor Marcom, R., Herzfeld, D., Sargent, K., Richards, K., Maccini, R. & Bartholomew, C., (2021) “Building Capacities to Conduct Respirator Fit Testing for Pesticide Applicators”, [TEST] Journal of Extension 59(3). doi:
Rights: In Copyright
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