What Does It Take to Lead Extension Master Gardener Volunteers?
- Charlotte D. Glen (North Carolina State University)
- K. S. U. Jayaratne (North Carolina State University)
- Gary E. Moore (North Carolina State University)
- Lucy K. Bradley (North Carolina State University)
- Harriett Edwards (North Carolina State University)
We investigated the importance of volunteer engagement competencies to successful master gardener volunteer administration. We used a web-based survey to collect data from a census of North Carolina Extension agents with master gardener volunteer administration responsibilities. Respondents indicated 52 of the 55 competencies were important to the administration of master gardener volunteers. We concluded that although traditional volunteer management skills are essential, a more comprehensive model encompassing personal and leadership skills is needed to inform development of training and resources that will support attainment of competencies required for successful master gardener volunteer administration.
Keywords: volunteer administration, volunteer management, volunteer engagement, master gardener, competencies
How to Cite:
Glen, C. D., Jayaratne, K., Moore, G. E., Bradley, L. K. & Edwards, H., (2021) “What Does It Take to Lead Extension Master Gardener Volunteers?”, [TEST] Journal of Extension 59(3). doi: https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.59.03.12
Rights: In Copyright
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