What Makes a Small Farm Successful? A Review of Success Factors, Needs, and Challenges
- Katie Tritsch (Texas State University)
- Ken Mix (Texas State University)
- Michelle L. Edwards (Texas State University)
- Manuel Piña (Texas A&M University)
Small-scale farmers face unique challenges. In this review, we conceptualize small farm success by aggregating and categorizing results from recent (post-2000) literature on small farm success factors and producer needs assessments. Our findings suggest that small farm success is multifaceted and not limited to profitability. We find that small farms have a diverse range of needs, though little has been done to rank their importance. We conclude that future research would benefit from increased methodological transparency and a systematic approach to needs evaluation. We consider the role of Extension professionals regarding the continued success of small farms.
Keywords: small farms, small-scale producers, farm success, success factors, needs assessments
How to Cite:
Tritsch, K., Mix, K., Edwards, M. L. & Piña, M., (2021) “What Makes a Small Farm Successful? A Review of Success Factors, Needs, and Challenges”, [TEST] Journal of Extension 59(2). doi: https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.59.02.18
Rights: In Copyright
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